Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Start of A New Life

Dear Friends,
Please check back (starting later today, I hope!) for postings on food, restaurants, ethics, current events and more...
And if you want to be kept notified by email about new postings, send me an email to jeremyiggers(at) I won't share your name without your permission.
Jeremy Iggers


Chuck Olsen said...

Congrats on the transition!

Stephen said...

Congratulations on the TC Media Alliance gig. I look forward to your insights on the food scene!

Unknown said...

Jeremy! I am interested if you accepted a buyout/package when Al Sicherman did. On your blog, will you be able to tell your followers what exactly happened at the Strib at the end of your career there? Thanks! Good luck to you! Barbara

Anna said...

Looking forward to your continued posts on food, ethics and life in general.

Unknown said...

Boy, you and Al. The food pages won't be a tenth as interesting without the two of you. By the way, at one time I and two friends tried to taste and review every Vietnamese eggroll in the metro. Finally had to give up when the rate they were opening got too fast.

Well, since you and I both like vegetarian Indian, I'll keep following you. Remember when what we had from South Asia was Caravan Serai? Now its gone but we have a couple dozen varied restaurants with South Asian food.

Jim Mork